We are all in search of a beautiful, radiant complexion! Skin that looks healthy, smooth, and glows. If you type these adjectives into your phone, computer, or tablet, you will find an endless supply of information. You might see a Kardashian face pop up looking flawless, with an even complexion and more highlighter than an old textbook. Or, at the other end of the spectrum, you may find a recipe for a homemade face mask combining some of the most random contents of your pantry. But how do you REALLY get a glowing complexion?
Why Does My Skin Look So Dull?
Excess dead skin cells can build-up on the surface of our skin causing it to look dull and lackluster. The light gets absorbed instead of reflected off the skin’s surface. Dead skin cells can also make the skin feel rough or bumpy. Exfoliating this dead skin can cause the light to reflect off of the face so that it looks like it’s literally glowing.
How Can I Get Healthy, Glowing Skin?
I’m so glad you asked! There are many ways to exfoliate the skin. At Siperstein Dermatology, my team has a number of ways to help with this process.
Hydratherapy Facials
The Hydratherapy Facial is a favorite procedure among our staff and patients alike. The Hydratherapy Facial machine utilizes the infusion of hydration while simultaneously extracting oil, dirt, and dead skin cells. It’s the ultimate deep cleaning but without stripping the skin of needed moisture. The result is a luminous complexion that lasts for a couple of weeks.
At Siperstein, however, we like to send our patients home with a product that is the number one glow-maker. That product is a Retinoid. We recommend Retin-A, which comes in three strengths (.025%, .05%, and .1%). Retin-A is a prescription cream, applied sparingly on the skin at night only. Because Retin-A can break down in the sunlight, a nighttime application followed by a moisturizer is highly recommended. Retinoids work by causing skin cells to turnover at a faster rate than normal which helps the skin to exfoliate. It literally exfoliates dead skin cells to reveal fresh, glowy skin.
Regular use of Retin-A increases the amount of new collagen formed. Collagen is what gives skin it’s structure, firmness, and elasticity. The fact that a cream can do something that we thought only an invasive procedure could do is miraculous! Plus, your skin continues to get better as you use Retin-A.
Important Things To Know About Retin-A
There are a few small caveats for proper Retin-A use.
A little is good (great!) More is NOT better! In order to avoid excessive exfoliation or “peeling,” only a pea-sized amount is needed for the entire face. So, when you’re applying Retin-A, dot your cheeks, chin, and forehead with that pea-sized quantity and rub it into those areas. Moisturizer should then be applied on top of your Retin-A.
When you first begin using Retin-A, start applying it every third night for about two weeks, then every other night for two weeks, eventually working up to every night application. Also, we recommend starting at the lowest strength (.025%) and working your way up to the strongest (.1%).
Patients with extremely sensitive skin or Rosacea, are advised to try our Retinol Plus Serum, which is the precursor to Retin-A. Your results will continue to improve the longer you use Retin-A, which is why I will have my Retin-A applied by my nurse at the assisted living facility in 25 years!