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New Year’s Resolutions for Healthy, Beautiful Skin

Healthy Skin

Bad habits may be hard to break, but the thought of healthy, smooth skin might motivate you to try! Now that the New Year is upon us, here are three resolutions that will help you win the fight against the aging process.

Stop Smoking!

We all know that smoking is bad for your overall health and causes cancer, but it is also horrible for your skin. A recent study comparing identical twins showed the dramatic effects of decreased elasticity, sagging skin, wrinkling around the lips (often called “smokers lines”), and under-eye bags.

Wear Sunscreen, EVERY DAY!

When I ask my patients whether they wear sunscreen, the typical answer is “yes, of course, when I go to the beach.” But many don’t realize the amount of UV exposure we get on a daily basis, even on cloudy days, while driving, running errands, and sitting next to windows. This daily exposure is cumulative, causing both skin cancer and premature aging. I always recommend for my patients to make daily application of sunscreen part of their morning routine, at least in the sun-exposed areas. Find a daily moisturizer that has at least SPF 30, such as Elta MD UV Daily, and you can combine two steps of your beauty routine into one! Also, don’t forget to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from UV rays and prevent wrinkles from squinting!

Avoid Tanning Beds!

The FDA recently put a black box warning on tanning beds, banning them in minors and emphasizing the risk associated with skin cancer. UV rays from indoor tanning lamps are often even stronger than those from the sun, and the risk of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, increases with each use. visia skin analysisMelanoma is on the rise in young females, and studies show that women younger than 30 are six times more likely to develop melanoma if they tan indoors. Also, remember that those UV rays also cause premature aging, wrinkles and sunspots, so the bronze goddess look from fake baking is short sited. For a healthy glow, we suggest alternate sources, such as Tan Towels, for a sun-kissed look without the risks.

Contact our office for a free Visia Skin Analysis to evaluate your sun damage that cannot be seen with the naked eye.