It’s back to school time, which means you’re probably running around making sure your child has all he or she needs to have a successful year of school. While you’re thinking about clothes, books, study materials and after-school schedules, make sure to help your child have clear skin to look and feel his/her best, too!
Not only are hormones a cause of pimples, but when you throw in stress from school, sweat from sports, unhealthy diet, and a not-yet-fine-tuned cleaning regimen, it makes it that much harder for your child to manage breakouts.
But, no sweat! We are here to help your child start the new school year with clear skin, and give at-home tips for keeping his/her skin clear all year.
Below are the top five tips for your child to help get the most out of his/her skin!
Be dedicated to regular skincare!
Taking care of your skin doesn’t – and shouldn’t! – take hours to do. It’s far more important to make the time to consistently care for your skin every day. Regardless if you have oily or dry skin, it’s important to wash your face when you wake up in the morning and before you go to bed at night. It’s a great idea to also wash your face after exercising or if you’ve been sweating. Acne cleansing wipes (try our Gly-Sal pads!) are a great option to refresh your skin midday or after exercising, too.
Most acne breakouts are because of hormones, inflammation, or oily/clogged pores. Knowing which type of acne you’re dealing with, which your dermatologist can help with, will help to find the best cleanser for you.
Visit your dermatologist!
Once school starts, your schedule is going to be packed with homework, studying, after school events and socializing, so your availability for a visit with your dermatologist will be minimal. Not only that, but meeting with your dermatologist before school begins gives you an opportunity to share your upcoming goals and plans for the new school year so he/she can help set you up for success. Sharing information about the current skincare products you’re using, and answering any questions you might have about treatments or products you’d like to try, will help to give your dermatologist an idea of how he/she can partner with you to help you achieve your skincare goals.
Take your diet into consideration!
Did you know that what you eat could affect your skin? It’s true! High glycemic foods, like pizza and sugary foods, cause blood sugar levels to spike, which is linked to acne breakouts. Aim to instead eat more fresh fruits, vegetables and proteins that are high in healthy fats and simple carbs. Not only is it better for your body overall, being more conscious about what you’re putting in your mouth will help you to avoid breakouts and keep your skin looking fresh and radiant. Also, make sure you’re drinking enough water, too! Water helps to hydrate your skin and reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
Get enough sleep!
Getting enough sleep helps you to be able to focus, grow, give time for your cells to repair, and give your body time to rest and refresh. It can also help to keep your skin clear. When we don’t get the recommended amount of sleep, which is about eight to ten hours per night, our body produces cortisol, which helps us to stay alert. This stress hormone is a huge contributor to inflammation of the skin, which can cause acne breakouts to occur more often. So get enough shuteye and reap the benefits of your body functioning at its highest and best level.
Focus on managing stress!
Yes, this is a tough one. Between tests, growing into yourself, navigating a social life and planning for the future, stress can – and does! – happen. Helping to manage stress and reducing as much unnecessary stress as possible will help you to avoid your risk for acne breakouts. When you’re planning your schedule for studying, exercising and socializing, make sure you also plan for some personal downtime where you can relax.
If your child is feeling overwhelmed with his/her skincare routine, stressed about breakouts, or would like to start a skincare plan, we’re here to help! Our team of board certified dermatologists is dedicated to helping all kids and students shine, and we will partner with your child to ensure he/she is set up for a great school year. Please give us a call or schedule an appointment so we can help to make sure the 2021 school year is as best as it can be!