While the face is the number one indicator of age, the hands are the second. Even after providing a more youthful appearance of the face, a patient’s age can easily be given away by the appearance of the hands.

As we age, bones, veins and tendons become more prominent as the skin thins and loses underlying fat. Sun exposure will accelerate this process and sun damage will show up in the form of brown spots. At Siperstein Dermatology Group, we can actually help turn back the hands of time. We offer a comprehensive approach to treat the aging hands with fillers, lasers and topical skincare.
Radiesse is now the first and only FDA approved filler to correct volume loss in the back of hands and we are proud to be a certified injector for Radiesse in the hands.
Radiesse in action: before and after, with just 2 weeks of treatment!
We have several options to treat brown spots caused by sun damage. They range from lasers to chemical peels and topical skin care. We carry several topical products in our office that could be helpful in treating brown spots. A few examples are Siperstein Retin A Cream, Siperstein HQRA+, and Siperstein HQ8 Skin Lightening. These products have Retin A and Hydroquinone that are proven to lighten brown spots.
Always, always, always… wear sunscreen every day and reapply as needed. And if you are young and reading this and think this article does not apply to you… think again! Prevention is key and it is never to early to start!